CST #385 :Beautiful Complementarity

Scouts, scouts, & more scouts! Sorry, that’s just what is going on. Kat reviews The Choice and we address the big transgender elephant in the room.


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 No Tomorrow

 The Choice


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  1. Nancy

     /  February 7, 2017

    Hi Mac and Katherine,

    First of all I’d like to thank you for the show. I look forward to it each week. After listening to the show I felt compelled to write about your comments on the decision to let transgender people into Scouting. My oldest son will be crossing over into Boy Scouts next month and my youngest is a Tiger Scout. I also have a nephew who is an Eagle Scout. I have been involved as a den leader and committee member for the last 5 years. I was so disappointed by the BSA’s decision. Scouting was one of the few activities that I felt safe involving my boys in. The values that the Scouting program promotes are exactly what I want my children to be focusing on. It seems that those of us with more conservative values are left with very few places to turn to. We are expected to accept and even promote values that are contrary to our beliefs. No thought is given to our rights and how those are trampled every day. I do not want to explain transgender to my 1st grader. He has the rest of his life to grow up and be exposed to all of these things. The possibility of this happening at our Council is a lot higher than yours being that I live in Massachusetts, a very liberal state. Like you I will continue with Scouting and hope that this doesn’t directly affect my Pack or Council.

    Thank you

  2. Art Arnan

     /  February 7, 2017

    Hello Mac and Katherine,

    I just wanted to say that your last episode was stellar. You are expressing a sentiment a lot of people are feeling in this country but are afraid to say out loud. We keep our children very close to us at all times purely because we know that the world disagrees with us . We as Catholic/Christians are will always be the minority. But we have to courage to be different.

    God bless,

    Art Arnan

    Ps. I live in Seattle, WA a city about as liberal as liberal gets


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